As dental professionals, it should be no surprise that we find teeth fascinating. Human teeth come in so many different shapes, sizes and colors that it makes our job of keeping them healthy and beautiful an art as much as a science. But human teeth aren’t the only ones that are interesting. The animal kingdom is full of fascinating teeth and here are a few amazing examples.
Other than big ears, prominent front teeth may be the most iconic feature of rabbits. These big teeth aren’t just adorable and endearing, they’re important tools. Rabbits are herbivores, meaning their diet consists only of plants. Many plants are very fibrous and require sharp, strong teeth for cutting and chewing. If you ate like a rabbit, your teeth would get worn down in no time, and the same is true of rabbit teeth. The difference is, unlike human teeth, rabbit teeth grow continuously to compensate for their tough diet.
These constantly regenerating teeth can be a problem for domesticated rabbits, though. Pet rabbits who eat too many processed pellets and not enough fibrous food like hay and vegetables can end up with overgrown teeth. When the teeth get to big and long, they don’t fit together right and can cause lots of problems for the rabbits health.
In most mammals, tusks are elongated canine teeth. An elephant’s tusks are actually its incisors, or two front teeth. Tusks and molars are the only two types of teeth that adult elephants have (humans have five types). Instead of one set of baby teeth and one set of adult teeth, an elephants molars are replaced throughout their lifetime, up to six times total.
Just like people are left or right-handed, elephants show a preference for one of their tusks and use it more often. You can tell whether an elephant is left or right-tusked by the shape: the dominant tusk tends to be shorter and more rounded.
Elephants use their tusks for defense, in mating displays (when males battle), and as tools for digging, marking trees, and moving things in their environment. Just like rabbit teeth, an elephants tusks never stop growing and gain about 17 cm in length every year.
Narwhals are a unique species of toothed whale that lives in the arctic and are often called “unicorns of the sea” because of their long spiral-textured tusk that resembles a mythical unicorn horn. Like tusks in other animals, the narwhal tusk is actually an elongated front tooth and it protrudes through the top lip as opposed to under it.
Several things make the narwhal tusk unique. Unlike human teeth that have hard enamel on the outside and soft dentin on the inside, narwhal tusks are softer outside and harder at the core. In contrast to other tusked animals like walruses and elephants, narwhals usually only have one tusk. Two-tusked narwhals do exist but are very rare. They also are the only straight tusk in the animal kingdom. And lastly, we don’t know what narwhal tusks are for. Scientists think it might have to do with attracting a mate or detecting water temperature and pressure, but more studies need to be done to find out.
A clean, white, and healthy smile can be considered a status symbol: a sign of someone who has excellent habits, an excellent dentist, or both. But what about the tool that gets you there? Would you invest in a luxury toothbrush?
In case you’re tempted, we’ve scoured the web for the most exceptional non-electric toothbrushes that you can buy for $12 or a lot more!
If you replace your toothbrush as often as your dentist recommends, you should be going through at least four toothbrushes a year. Some people saw the environmental impact of this and decided to make a change. The Boie toothbrush uses a BPA-free reusable handle with replaceable rubber bristle heads. They claim the brush lasts twice as long as a standard toothbrush and it’s recyclable, which cuts down on waste and environmental impact.
Chrome isn’t just for your car anymore! If you’re looking for a more glamorous oral hygiene experience, the German home accessories company Decor Walther makes a chrome-plated toothbrush. This brush is actually a regular plastic brush with a metallic finish and doesn’t seem to have any health-related claims to fame. But if a blingy brush with make you brush more often, we’re all for it!
The earliest toothbrushes were made from bone and animal bristles as far back as the 1700s, and some manufacturers are trying to bring naturally-sourced materials back to dental hygiene. French company Buly makes toothbrushes with silk or badger bristles embedding in tortoiseshell-look acetate handles. Italian company Koh-i-Noor also makes badger bristle toothbrushes, but we’re not sure we can approve of their “very hard” boar bristle toothbrushes. Always opt for soft bristles to protect your enamel, whether natural or nylon!
If you’re looking to make a fashion statement while banishing tooth decay it won’t come cheap. Lifestyle designer Charles Darius offers toothbrushes in silver, black rhodium, gold plate, and 18kt solid gold. These brushes start at $390, but thankfully that’s just for the handle. To trim down waste (and cost!), the toothbrushes use disposable heads crafted from sustainable bamboo.
Note: We’re not endorsing any of the toothbrushes mentioned in this post, as not all of them have been tested by the ADA. We just wanted to share some interesting and surprising products with our patients.
No matter how much you spend on your toothbrush, the best toothbrush according to any dentist, is the one you use properly and frequently. A $4 toothbrush can be just as good as a $4,000 one, as long as you brush for a full 2 minutes twice a day. Brushing with good technique and attention to detail is the key to preventing tooth decay and gum disease and keeping your teeth white. Used correctly, any toothbrush is worth its weight in gold!
One of the challenges that we face as dentists and dental hygienists is the fact that many dental conditions are asymptomatic in the early stages. The word “asymptomatic” means that they don’t cause any symptoms that are noticeable, particularly to the patient. One of the most pernicious dental diseases that fits this description is gum disease, which can turn into periodontitis and eventually lead to crooked, loose, or failed teeth.
Dental professionals have expert training in identifying signs of trouble before something goes wrong, which is why it’s so important to see us for your regular checkups and cleanings. In the meantime, you can make a huge difference in your own dental health by being on the look-out for gum disease warning signs before they become symptoms.
A lot of people see a little blood when they floss or brush. This is very common, but that doesn’t mean it’s normal! Any blood when you brush or floss can be a sign of trouble, even if you don’t have any other symptoms such as swelling or discomfort.
If you notice that your teeth seem to look longer than they used to, you may have gum recession. Receding gums is one of the early signs of gum disease, which is caused by an infection of the tissues around your teeth, your gums and bone. As the infection progresses it forms a pocket that pulls your gums away from your teeth. Eventually the roots of your teeth, which aren’t protected by enamel, can become exposed, causing sensitivity and leaving them vulnerable further damage from cavities.
Gums can get puffy and inflamed during the early stages of gum disease without necessarily causing discomfort. The good news is this sign can appear when you still just have gingivitis that hasn’t turned into periodontitis yet.
If you notice any of these signs, please let us know as soon as possible. Gum disease is reversible in its early stages, but once it progresses into periodontitis it becomes a chronic disease that can only be managed, not cured.
It should come as no surprise that some of the worst dental situations we see are in patients who do not see the dentist regularly. And the longer someone has been away from the dentist, the harder it is to get back in the habit, whether it’s a matter of cost, time, or quite simply, guilt at not having been in a while. We always love to see patients, no matter how long it’s been, and we’re all about preventing pain and discomfort. So here are a four vital reasons that you should never miss a teeth cleaning appointment!
Preventive dental care is key to keeping you comfortable and saving you unwanted expense in the future! When you come in for a teeth cleaning we also examine your entire mouth to check for potential trouble spots before they turn into something bigger, like a cavity or a root canal. We have the expertise to identify issues that may not even be causing symptoms yet. Just like anything in life, dental health problems are more easily and affordable to fix early on when they’re small!
Despite the fact that you go to one kind of doctor for a physical and a different kind of doctor to look after your oral health, the two are deeply connected! Did you know that the plaque on your teeth is the same kind of plaque that is found in the arteries of people with heart disease? And preventable dental diseases like periodontitis (gum disease) have been linked to stroke and heart attack too. Getting a professional cleaning on a regular basis helps clear away plaque, tartar, and bacteria that you simply cannot remove with brushing and flossing alone. Taking care of your dental health is a vital part of your overall healthcare!
We know that choices about dental care often come down to cost. Most dental insurance covers preventive care, including teeth cleanings and exams, at very little cost or no out-of-pocket cost at all. Even when these services aren’t completely covered, the cost is very small compared to the cost of fixing a problem later! If you don’t have insurance, many dental practices offer discounts to help make dentistry more affordable. Ask about our current offers next time you see us or talk to us. No matter what, we have your smile covered!
The idea that dentistry only takes place during regular business hours is starting to change. We always make an effort to make sure working patients and students don’t have to take time off to see us for cleanings. But we can only accommodate your schedule if you tell us about it! Be honest with the dentist, hygienist or front desk when scheduling your next appointment about what times are most convenient for you. You may be surprised about when we can fit you in.
If you’ve recently gotten a dental bridge placed, you’re probably relieved to finally have your smile back and be able to eat the foods you like again. You should know that there are some small techniques you need to add to your oral hygiene routine in order to keep your replacement teeth and the rest of your mouth healthy.
We’ve noticed a misconception among patients that artificial teeth don’t need the same of dental hygiene attention because they aren’t real teeth. This isn’t true! Germs can accumulate on crowns and bridges just like on natural teeth. Caring for your gums around your new teeth is especially important. If bacteria is allowed to linger on your gum line, it can lead to gingivitis and decay in the teeth your crown or bridge cover. So here’s a quick guide to how to care for your bridges in your dental routine.
Most dental bridges look like three or four teeth fused together in a row. The teeth on the end are called “retainers”, and like regular dental crowns, they fit over existing teeth like a cap and serve as anchor points, or “abutments”, for the brige. Between the retainers are one or two false teeth that bridge the gap where the missing teeth used to be. These bridge teeth are called “pontics”. Retainers and pontics require slightly different care.
To clean your retainer crowns, floss around the sides of them just like you would floss around your natural teeth. Gently push the floss between the crown and the neighboring tooth and back out again, forming a c-shaped curve with the floss as you go.
To clean a pontic, you may need a special tool in order to get the floss into the gap between the false tooth and your gums. Most drug stores and pharmacies will carry floss threaders or proxy brushes. Floss threaders have a stiff end that makes it easy to thread floss under your pontic. Proxy brushes look like tiny tapered pipe cleaners with a handle. Which tool you use may depend on how tight the space is between your bridge and your gums. Ease the tool into this gap and move it back and forth to dislodge any food particles and sweep away bacteria.
And, of course, brush your dental bridge and the rest of your teeth and use a fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash as usual! Feel free to ask the dentist or the dental hygienist for a demonstration of any of these oral hygiene techniques at your next visit.
If you’re missing teeth, modern dentistry offers more options than ever before for replacing them. With so many options for new teeth, it can be confusing to know the important differences between you options. Tooth loss is still treated by dentures, but there are now special kinds of dentures called overdentures that integrate the latest dental implant technology. Here’s the difference between traditional dentures and overdentures so you can make an informed choice in your care.
Traditional dentures are artificial teeth mounted in an acrylic base that looks like gums. Dentures are held in place by adhesives, natural suction, or a combination of both. Overdentures look like conventional dentures from the outside, but they are actually secured in your mouth by clipping or screwing onto titanium dental implants that have been placed in your jawbone. Because they clip onto a solid foundation in the form of dental implants, overdentures are more stable.
One of the biggest benefit of overdentures is a better eating experience and better nutrition. Conventional dentures can affect your ability to taste by covering your palate (roof of your mouth), where some of your taste buds are actually located. Overdentures don’t cover the palate. Foods you would have had to avoid (or cut up before eating) with unstable conventional dentures or missing teeth, like meats or crunchy vegetables, can be chewed by overdentures.
Speaking is also easier with secure overdentures. Your speech in general will be clearer, especially the letters “s” and “f” which can sometimes be muffled or lisped with conventional dentures that cover your palate.
In terms of your oral health, overdentures have the benefit of preventing bone loss. Overdentures transfer the force of your bite from you false teeth, through the dental implants, and into the bone of your jaw. Receiving this sensation from the implants tells your jaw to keep creating new bone, preventing the bone structure under your overdentures from shrinking away.
This shrinking of bone, called “resorption”, tends to happen in conventional dentures because there is no solid structure between the denture and the bone that tells the bone it’s still being used to bite. Jaw bone resorption is what causes traditional dentures to eventually stop fitting well and require adjustment, and can lead your cheeks looking more sunken and aged as your bone structure shrinks.
One potential advantage of conventional dentures is that they are more affordable initially than overdentures, because they do not involve the surgical placement of implants. However, over the long run, the adjustments or replacements associated with conventional dentures may add up. Overdentures are much less likely to have these problems, so the initial investment could eventually save you money in the future.
There’s been a lot of hype around the Internet, social media and even on store shelves about using activated charcoal for its teeth whitening affects. Like any trendy new dental hygiene tip, we decided to take a closer look at the charcoal teeth whitening trend, and here is what we want you to know.
We’ve seen posts and articles about using raw activated charcoal or toothpastes with charcoal mixed in to clean your teeth with the expectation that it has natural teeth whitening properties. The logic comes from the fact that activated charcoal is used in emergency rooms to absorb toxins and that the charcoal will do the same thing to your teeth. Some sources also say that the charcoal will remove bacteria and freshen your breath by restoring pH balance.
While it is possible that charcoal may remove surface stains and have other benefits, as dental professionals, we also worry that it may be too abrasive (i.e. rough) for enamel that makes up the outside layer of your teeth and protects them from decay or sensitivity. Regular toothpastes, especially whitening toothpastes, contain abrasives that are known to be safe on teeth. It’s possible that charcoal is dangerously rough on teeth, but we don’t know yet.
The American Dental Association conducted a review of all the available research on the use of charcoal in oral hygiene and came to the conclusion that there isn’t enough scientific evidence supporting or refuting claims that many charcoal products make. They called for more studies to be done in the future to get to the bottom of charcoal’s affect on teeth and advised that dentists tell their patients to be cautious about using charcoal on their teeth.
When it comes trendy tooth care, whether charcoal or any other trend you see online or hear about from a friend, use this analogy: Think of your mouth like the engine of your car. Imagine coming around saying they discovered you can use a cheap household product like rubbing alcohol to fuel your car. The alcohol will make your car run really smoothly for the first few hundred miles, then it might start wearing away at the parts inside your engine so it doesn’t run right anymore. Would you want to fuel up with the alcohol, or stick to good old gasoline?
The truth is, we’re just not sure if charcoal is good for your teeth or bad. Since there’s no proof that it’s safe, we advise sticking to tried and true dental hygiene tools: your toothbrush, floss, fluoride toothpaste and if needed, occasional professional teeth whitening at the dentist.
Caring for a baby or toddler’s dental health is very different that caring for your own or an older child’s. Here are a few pieces of advice for ensuring the littlest members of you family start life with healthy, cavity-free smiles. We want their first visits to the dentist to be enjoyable learning experiences, not fixing cavities!
While many children are soothed by a bottle to suck on at bedtime or naptime, this can do much more harm that good! Placating your child with a bottle of milk, formula, juice or other sweetened drinks may stop them from crying or fussing, it gives the bacteria in your child’s mouth plenty of fuel for causing cavities in his or her brand new teeth. Even after your child is done drinking, the sugar stays in their mouth, pooling around teeth. If a bottle is a necessary part of yours and baby’s routine, we suggest filling it with water instead.
This same logic also goes for sippy cups for toddlers kids. Giving your child free access to milk or juice in a sippy cup is asking for cavities. Give them water only!
Just like adults, kids with balanced diets are less likely to get cavities. A balanced diet means minimizing sugars and starches while including plenty of fiber, protein and minerals. Unfortunately, many of the snacks that are traditionally given to children contain a lot of sugar and starch (which gets broken down into sugar by saliva in the mouth). Snacking exposes your child’s teeth to tooth decay-causing food more often than necessary. We suggest avoiding between-meal snacks as much as possible and choosing healthy snacks like raw vegetables when you do give your child snacks.
The bacteria that cause tooth decay are contagious, just like the other microbes in your mouth. If you have tooth decay, gum disease, or are very cavity-prone, refrain from sharing utensils and cups with your child. And don’t “clean off” a pacifier (soother) that dropped on the ground by putting it in your own mouth. This is bad news for both of you!
When in doubt, ask the dentist for dental health advice! Remember, the dentist is a great resource for dental care advice for patients of any age. Most of the advice that applies to babies and kids applies to grown-ups, too.
Despite being something that we do everyday, we find that patients have a a surprising amount of trouble brushing and flossing correctly. Dental hygiene is key to preventing dental problems like tooth decay and gum disease (not to mention staining), so be careful not to ignore certain warning signs from your main dental hygiene tool: your toothbrush!
Nothing we’re going to mention below is a secret, but they might be something that you haven’t taken the time to consider in your daily dental hygiene routine.
…It’s telling you it’s reached the end of it’s life, or at least it’s effectiveness. When used regularly and correctly, toothbrush bristles eventually start to bend and usually start looking frayed after about 3 to 4 months. A frayed toothbrush is much less effective at getting into hard to reach places (such as between teeth and along the gumline).
If your toothbrush is looking frayed sooner than 3 months, you may be brushing your teeth too hard. Hard brushing is a bad habit that many patients have and it can lead to tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, and damage to your gums. It can also wear down your tooth enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay.
Keep track of how long it takes for your toothbrush to look worse for wear, and if it’s happening too fast, talk to us about changing your dental hygiene habits to be more gentle but still effective.
…It’s also telling you it’s time to get a new one. Many manufacturers include “reminder bristles” in their brush heads, especially in electric toothbrushes. After several months of use, these brightly colored bristles will eventually start to fade to white or clear. Once most of the color is gone, you’ll know it’s time to change your toothbrush. If you toothbrush is turning yellow or some other icky looking color, their may be a problem with your oral health or your habits, and you should talk to us about it at your next visit.
…You may be storing your toothbrush incorrectly. If it’s still wet many hours later, there’s trouble brewing…or rather, bacteria. When your toothbrush doesn’t get the chance to dry out between uses it creates the perfect environment for illness and cavity-causing bacteria to grow.
We suggest shaking out your toothbrush after you rinse it after brushing and putting it somewhere with plenty of airflow. Storing your toothbrush upright can help it dry off between uses. Also, if you’re traveling, be sure your toothbrush is dry before you put a plastic cover on it, otherwise you’re trapping it in a wet environment.
If your toothbrush is wet, there’s another possible culprit other than bad storage: someone else in your household may have mistaken your toothbrush for theirs! Make sure you’re not inadvertently sharing a toothbrush with someone else. This is very bad for your dental hygiene, even for couples who kiss!
Dentistry is a field of healthcare that is always rapidly advancing and improving. The technology that dentists have in our practices certainly has changed and gotten better over the years. We stay on top of the latest breakthroughs to provide you the best care when you visit us, and you could be doing the same at home with your dental hygiene routine. Here are a few ways you can put the latest technology to work for your smile at home.
The data isn’t totally conclusive, but recent studies indicate that an electric toothbrush does a slightly better job at reducing plaque and gingivitis inflammation than a manual toothbrush. There are several types of electric toothbrushes and the most common have vibrating brush heads (like Sonicare or Quip) or rotating brush heads (like Oral-B or Goby). In addition to the possible advantage that this enhanced motion provides when cleaning teeth, many dentists also like patients to use electric toothbrushes because many of them have built-in timers that make sure you brush for the full two minutes that we recommend for optimal dental hygiene.
While dental floss has been around since the 1880s, there are newer options for cleaning between your teeth. Water flossers have only been around since the 1960s, and thankfully they keep getting cheaper and smaller. Also called an oral irrigator or known by the brand name Waterpik, a water flosser is a small machine that uses a pulsing jet of water to gently remove plaque and debris from between teeth. While there’s no definitive answer yet, studies indicate that water flossing may be more effective than using dental floss. This may be especially true for patients with braces or oral appliances like dental bridges. If you’ve had trouble making flossing a regular part of your dental hygiene routine, try using a water flosser instead. Many patients find it more convenient and enjoyable.
A very common mistake that people make in their dental hygiene routine is using a worn out toothbrush. Over time, a toothbrush’s bristles get bent and mishapen, making them much less effective at getting into the nooks and crannies of your teeth. While we recommend that people replace their brushes every three months or so, not everyone does. Some companies have caught on to this trend and now offer subscription services for toothbrushes (and floss and toothpaste) that will automatically send you a new toothbrush at the right time.
If you shop on Amazon, you can set up a subscription through their website to send you a new toothbrush or brush replacement head on a regular basis. Independent subscription services include Boka and Quip. If subscription services don’t appeal to you, we recommend using the calendar app on your phone to set a reminder every three months to go buy a new toothbrush!