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26 July 2024


HAVE OUR TEETH REALLY GOTTEN WORSE OVER GENERATIONS? Teeth are the unsung heroes of our daily lives, aiding in everything from speech to digestion. But have you ever wondered how our modern chompers compare to our ancestors? It's a biting question: Have teeth gotten worse over generations? This blog post delves into the dental timeline, […]


Teeth are the unsung heroes of our daily lives, aiding in everything from speech to digestion. But have you ever wondered how our modern chompers compare to our ancestors? It's a biting question: Have teeth gotten worse over generations? This blog post delves into the dental timeline, examining how our teeth have evolved and what factors influence their current state.

1. The Ancient Grins: Strong Teeth, Simple Diets

Our ancestors, living in times devoid of processed foods and sugary drinks, had rougher diets that required more chewing. This kept their teeth naturally cleaner and resulted in stronger jaws. Fossil evidence suggests ancient humans had fewer dental problems like cavities and misalignments than today.

2. The Agricultural Revolution: A Turning Point for Teeth

With the advent of agriculture, human diets underwent a significant change. The introduction of grains and softer foods led to a reduction in jaw size over generations but also caused an increase in dental issues. The more carbohydrate-rich diet created a breeding ground for cavity-causing bacteria.

3. The Industrial Age: The Sweet Culprit

The Industrial Revolution brought about a surge in sugar consumption. This sweet addition to the human diet has been a significant factor in the decline of dental health. Increased sugar intake has led to a rise in cavities, gum diseases, and tooth decay, issues relatively uncommon in our ancestors.

4. Modern Dental Woes: A Question of Lifestyle

Today, despite advances in dental care and awareness, many people face significant oral health issues. Poor dietary choices, increased consumption of acidic and sugary drinks, and inadequate oral hygiene are key contributors. The prevalence of these lifestyle-related dental problems suggests a decline in overall tooth health compared to earlier times.

5. The Role of Genetics and Environment

It's not just lifestyle choices that impact our dental health. Genetics play a role, too. Some people are more predisposed to dental issues like misalignments or weak enamel. Additionally, environmental factors such as fluoride in water and access to dental care significantly influence overall dental health.

6. The Silver Lining: Advances in Dental Care

Despite the apparent decline in dental health over generations, modern dentistry offers solutions that were unimaginable in the past. From fluoride toothpaste to advanced orthodontic treatments, contemporary dental care has made it possible to counteract many negative trends.


While our teeth may have deteriorated over generations due to changes in diet and lifestyle, it's not all doom and gloom. Modern dentistry provides us with tools and knowledge to combat these issues effectively. The key is a combination of good oral hygiene practices, a balanced diet, and regular dental check-ups.

Reflect on your dental habits and diet - are they tooth-friendly? Remember, while you can't change the past, you can influence the future of your dental health. Book a dental check-up today and take a proactive step towards healthier teeth for future generations!

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